Without a doubt, the design of any product is a key element in the sustainability of a product beyond its initial life-cycle. What more with form taking over function in more ways than one, where technical specifications are just mere secondary features that could easily be replicated anywhere and everywhere, what defines a product as THE product to have, and must have, is its design. Clean lines, minimalist approach, and simplicity rules the Apple product lines, superb GUI and its consistency across its models catapults Nokia to the leading handphone brand, well at least in this part of the world. How much better can then design be? Is there still room for innovation in design itself.
Well one possibility is in looking at design as something that is just beyond straight lines and forms. Making design more organic...much like what organic plants do! Clean, pure, without any rationalised forms and defined lines, not easy perhaps, but definitely revolutionary if I may say so.
Some examples perhaps! Look at the pebble-shaped MP3 player by Samsung, and I think you would get what I mean.
And how about Theo Jansen's BMW ad. The smooth motion of the wind-powered contraptions (hell yeah, IT IS WIND-powered!) is a real masterpiece of sorts, of what organic design can do to not only a form, but perhaps, a function!
Possibilities, possibilities, possibilities...
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