I had an opportunity to conduct some experiments with some iPad apps this year, but I guess due to the exigencies of time, space, and resources, have only managed to do so intermittently and superficially. But on hindsight, there were several apps that I do find promising, especially in my areas of Art, Design and Media.
I don't claim to have used all the following tools ubiquitously, but I can assure you that I have thought through about its possibilities of usage in the classroom, especially in a classroom of the future. Here are perhaps, my top 20 (or so) tools, that I would continue to try, and would like to explore a little deeper in the coming academic year.
A) Sketching & Visual Graphics:
1) Sketchbook: Sketching ideas (USED)
2) Sketch Rolls: Horizontally-long digital paper, allows for storyboarding and could be a replacement for the whiteboards
B) Online Sync:
3) DropBox; Box.net: use for digital/cloud storage (USED)
4) Evernote: Use for notes sync
C) Comments, Feedback & Peer collaboration:
5a) Twitter: use for collation of ideas and feedback
5b) TweetDeck: use for collation of ideas and feedback; good for collation-type of modus operandi
D) Video & Multimedia:
6) iMovie: editing video clips
7) Photos: consolidating photos
E) Photos, Storyboarding, Ideation:
8) Comic Life & ComicBook:: Creation of storyboards from photos (USED)
F) Portfolio, Visual Graphics:
9) Corkulous: used for consolidation of photographs, ideas, clips, sketches
G) General Works:
10) iWorks suite (Pages, Numbers and Keynote): Keynote specifically useful for delivery of lesson materials
H) Note-taking:
11) Storyist: Creation of storybooks by chapters
12) Penultimate: As an alternative to sketching papers, have a sketchbook instead; able to use for text too
13) MaxJournal: use for journaling and note taking (my mainstay notebook for meetings)
I) Ideation & Visual Presentations:
14) Popplet & (15) iThoughtsHD: Used for mindmapping; Popplet more visually appealing but iThoughts have slightly more functionality (USED)
16) 123D Sculpt: Useful for 3D idea generation; digital clay
J) Blogging, Collaboration:
17) BlogPress: Used for on-the-go blogging
K) Geography:
18) Google Earth: Used for Geographical-based lessons, specifically for Basic Architecture lessons
L) Mechanisms:
19) TinkerBox: Useful for Ruth Goldberg type of mechanisms
20) Cogs HD: Useful for mechanical-type of lessons that leverages on the use of gears